Because Kyoto was the only major city not bombed during the Second World War, it still holds the flavor of ancient Japan, with narrow stone streets winding through neighborhoods of small wooden houses, and all the old temples and shrines are intact. But in the spring, it is the gardens that everyone comes to experience, and people all over Japan become pervaded with “cherry blossom mania” and flock to Kyoto while the trees are in bloom. The city comes alive with color, white, pink, and red blooms seemingly everywhere your eye wanders. Many of the grander gardens have massive bamboo supports bracing the branches of very old and massive cherry trees.

The statue was cast in 1252 and originally located inside a large temple hall. However, the temple buildings were washed away by a tsunami tidal wave in the end of the 15th century, and since then the Buddha stands in the open air.

Kyoto, Japan time
*Memories: Ryokans, Sushi, Springtime
*Visits: Winter 1999, 2000, Spring 2003, 2005