New Years is coming so offerings are being made at temples all over town.

It's not actually snowing in Chiangmai, but hey, what's the harm in getting into the holiday mood. This is actually a promo a local mobile phone company. Mobile phones are very popular in Thailand and practically everyone has one.

A parade for money offerings. Just another way for people to make their New Year's offerings without actually having to go to the temple.

What's the big deal? It's only a guy dressed up as a girl. So what.

Drag shows are very popular in Thailand, even with the locals.

And quite a beautiful girl at that.

A mobile monk. Loudspeakers blaring down the streets make the announcement that the mobile monk is coming. Twenty baht (75 cents) is all that's asked to receive a blessing.

Probably the closest thing to a holiday tree in Chiangmai.
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